mother nursing her baby

mother nursing her baby
mother nursing her baby

this is chapter 22,module 2-- innate and adaptive immune systems. the learning objectivesof this module are, one, distinguish betweeninnate, or nonspecific, and adaptive, orspecific, defenses. two, define adaptivespecific defenses. three, describethe body's innate, or nonspecific, defenses. and four, distinguish betweenpassive and active, and natural

and induced immunity. the lymphatic systemand other body defenses provide resistance tofight infection, illness, and disease. there are two categoriesof defenses-- innate, or nonspecific defenses, andadaptive, or specific defenses. innate or nonspecific defensesalways work the same way, and work against anytype of invading agent. adaptive or specificdefenses protect

against specificpathogens, and they rely on the activitiesof lymphocytes. adaptive defenses onlydevelop after exposure to the environmental hazard. there are seven major categoriesof innate or nonspecific defenses-- physicalbarriers, phagocytes, immunological surveillance,interferons, complement, inflammatoryresponse, and fever. physical barriers keep hazardousorganisms and material outside

of the body. they include barrierslike the skin and hair, and secretions from sweatglands, mucus, and urine that help flush away materials. these secretions includeenzymes, antibodies, salt, and stomach fluid that killsor inhibits microorganisms. the other innatedefenses involve cells. phagycytes engulfpathogens and cell debris. phagycytes include cells suchas macrophages, both free

and fixed, neutrophils,eosinophils, and monocytes. some macrophages aregiven special names in certain areas of the body. microglia are found in thecentral nervous system, whereas kuppfer cells are foundin the sinusoids of the liver. and alveolar macrophagesare found in the lungs. all macrophages movethrough capillary walls as they are attracted tochemicals in the surrounding fluids, called chemotaxis.

phagocytosis occurs when thepyagocyte attaches to a target and surrounds it with its cellmembrane forming a vesicle. immunological surveillanceinvolves the natural killer cells, which are t cells. these nk cells destroy abnormalcells in the peripheral tissues by shooting chemicalscalled perforins at them, that penetrate the cellmembrane of the abnormal cells and cause the pathogen to lyse. natural killer cellsattack any abnormal cell,

including cancer cells andcells infected with viruses. interferons are chemicalsreleased by activated body cells, such aslymphocytes, macrophages, and virus-infected cells. the interferon chemicalsact as messengers to coordinate the defenseagainst viral infections to slow down the spreadof viral infections. the complement systemis a defense system that consists ofcirculating proteins.

the plasma contains 11special proteins called complements that formthis complement system. these proteins worktogether in cascades, where one proteinactivates the next, which then activates the next. these proteinsassist the antibodies in destruction of pathogensby binding to the pathogen and causing them to lice. another body defenseis inflammation.

inflammation is triggeredby any stimulus that kills cells or injures tissues. the main signs andsymptoms of inflammation are redness, swelling,heat, and pain. inflammation temporarilyprovides a barrier against pathogens,retards the spread of pathogen movementinto surrounding areas, and mobilizes local and systemdefenses against pathogens. cells called mast cellscaused a localized response

in the tissues to limitthe spread of an injury or infection. they do so by increasingblood flow and permiability of capillaries, activatingphagocytes, activating complement, increasing clottingto wall off the region, increasing the temperatureregionally, and activating the adaptive immune system. mast cells are very similarto the basophil in that they release histamineand heparin, but they

play more of a role againstpathogens then basphils do. also, basophils arefound in the blood, whereas mast cells arefound in the tissues. fever is anothernonspecific body defense. fever is an elevationof body temperature above 99 degrees fahrenheit inresponse to pyrogens regions. pyrogens are any materialthat causes the hypothalamus to raise body temperature,and include pathogens, toxins, or antibody complexes.

fever accelerates tissuemetabolism and activity of body defenses, as wellas inhibits the multiplying of pathogens. adaptive or specificdefenses are different fromnonspecific defenses because this is a responseto a specific antigen. and the coordinated actions of tcells and b cells are required. the innate, nonspecificdefenses we looked at are all present at birth,whereas the adaptive

or specific defenses areacquired after birth. adaptive immunity can beeither active or passive. active immunity means antibodiesdevelop after exposure to an antigen, whereas passiveimmunity means antibodies are transferred fromone person to another, and the body is not requiredto developing antibodies on its own. active immunity can be naturallyacquired through a person receiving exposure topathogens in the environment,

such as one person havingthe chicken pox virus and spreading itto another person. or, active immunity canbe artificially induced, where a health professionaldelivers pathogens in the form of a vaccine. passive immunity canbe naturally acquired, such as a mothernursing her baby and deliveringantibodies directly to the baby through breast milk.

or, passive immunity canbe artificially induced through the injectionof antibodies, such as with the person whowas bit by a poisonous snake. this person doesn't havetime to wait for the body to respond to makeantibodies, so antibodies must be injected to savetheir lives from the poisonous antigens in snake venom. adaptive immunityhas four properties-- specificity, versatility,memory, and tolerance.

specificity meansthat each t or b cell responds to a specificantigen and ignores all others. versatility meansthe body produces many types oflymphocytes, and each type fights a differenttype of antigen. each active lymphocytecan clone itself to fight the specific antigen. memory is a property wheresome active lymphocytes, called memory cells, stayin circulation

to provide immunityagainst another invasion by the same pathogenin the future. tolerance is the body'simmune system's ability to ignore normal antigens,such as self-antigens. in other words, thebody is programmed not to attack its own normal cells.

mother nursing baby

mother nursing baby

early in the morning when i was driving home,some deers hanging out in the yard.i stop and took some pictures when all of a suddenthe baby deer was nurse by the mommy deer,i was so amazed,i am so happy that i captured thismoment,once in a lifetime.

mother milk for baby

mother milk for baby
mother milk for baby

we decided as the kings county breastfeedingcoalition that we wanted to give a gift to the hospital that would help them portraythat breastfeeding is normal and it's acceptable here in this community so we found a localphotographer who actually happens to be a doula, savanna morgret. we could just tellthat when we explained what we wanted to do she captured the idea and the pictures areamazing and so that's why we decided to do the historical getting women to breastfeed anywhere, any place, and that they could do it discreetly and it could be just a veryacceptable thing to do in this community. so this project to me was all about supportingthe moms in our community and really letting them know that it's ok to nurse your babyin public and it's normal and you can feel

comfortable doing that. as a breastfeeding mother myself, especiallyin the very beginning it was really really kind of hard for me because i felt like ineeded to be covered and i needed to go to the car when we were out at restaurants andso to be able to show moms that, hey you don't have to do that you can nurse your baby atthe civic center or thursday night market or downtown lemoore. it's ok to do that. it was really really important to me. these pictures really show moms just in everydaylife and it brings it into something that moms feel like it's more attainable, i think,seeing these pictures and babies from such a small age to, you know, toddler, being breastfedi think it makes it more of an attainable,

real idea that they can actually do this,so they can succeed and real moms do it every day. i loved it and it's really exciting to just,to just know that it's a part of such a really big thing and to know that it's going to beinspiring to other mothers and that it hopefully will encourage especially these new mothers,especially first time mothers that breastfeeding is possible, it's easy, it's exciting andit's best for your baby.

mother milk baby

mother milk baby

hello baby talk about the breastfeeding part of newborn care baby food feeling this feeling breast milk driving class initially baby feeding think of clutch organic baby food everything separately and once tips everything and falls lactation lactation consultant do it bottle feeding do it comfortably breastfeeding positions

general rules and breastfeeding exclusive breast feeding to babies at least breast feed each that is only breast milk should be how to breastfeed and 6 months of age no water no honey or sugar or glucose how to increase breast milk nothing given baby benefits of breastfeeding baby first food practiced demand feeding

breastfeeding cycles the baby ask your feet feeding baby it not wait for 2 3 hours make them feel in a systematic way nothing like that in the initial two days make sure that the babies are fed whenever they demand for smaller babies this demand feeling it's not like i'm telling to every two hours you are supposed to wake up the baby and

then feed the baby then the next thing is until the mother is healthy you all have a healthy baby so the mother should have adequate nutrition hydration and relaxation if you have to have a prop breast feeding once any of these things are compromised there is going to be a lactation failure mothers should be

sitting comfortably while feeding the baby once the maybe a mother is not comfortable baby is also not going to be comfortable feeling and while feeling the maybe it's better you talk and sing to the baby looking at the face of the baby start responding quite early enough when you do such things and continue breastfeeding until

at least two years of age that is one just a complimentary feel that some from seven point onwards don't stop breastfeeding continue that until at least two years of age now coming to the technical aspects of breastfeeding there are four points in position and four points and attachment which has to be taken care of by feeding the baby now

what does position that is the alignment between the baby and the mother that is what is no that is what is meant by position and the alignment between the what their mothers breasts and babies mouth are called attachment there four points each in your of these so now come into position of the baby the head and body of the baby

should be in a straight line head and body should be well supported the body of the baby should be turned towards the mother the baby should be close to her mother everything sounds very similar when you talk but each and every point is important it should be in a straight line so that

the baby don't find it very difficult to feed second thing it should be supported well-supported maybe have got babies don't have the strength to hold themselves up from against gravity so you're supposed to support the baby so either feel hold the baby's head and body like this or support like this and then feed the baby or had turning the

head towards you and the board baby's body facing towards the ceiling as one of the biggest mistake while positioning the baby the baby mistakes to work to completely along with the head quite breastfeeding mission close towards the mother's baby food skin to skin contact we can hold like this so that this hands-free our whole like this

so that the breast milk or you can hold it with baby feeding this so now organic baby food each of these things are compromised tips the body and lactation in a straight line what happens bottle feeding to drink from this breastfeeding positions you try to drink like lactation consultant problem when you try to bring like this gossip

breast feed ideal position so the how to breastfeed straight line next thing as think of well feeding from the how to increase breast milk down towards the glass and the body term benefits of breastfeeding the same way until the body or head is a straight baby first food it very difficult breastfeeding cycles if

feeding baby glass very far away or lifting the head towards the glass it is very difficult to be the same way the baby's head close towards another body staying very far away causes difficulty feeling show so all these four points should be made sure that it's taken care of the next thing is regarding attachment

while feeding the baby the chin of the baby should be touching the breast the lower lip should be open outwards the mouth should be wide open and the lower areola should be less visible than the upper areola basically the whole idea is the baby's mouth the whole complexion be the nipple and the areola lot of maximal part should be inside the

mall because it's at the radial over the maker store and the nimpah contains only the output so unless the babies multi wide open and second from behind maybe won't get made so make sure that all these four points are taken care of in attachment if there's a problem in positioning the mother is going to get a backache and then there's a problem an

attachment the mother is going to get crack nipple this will cause breast engorgement and the case we came for the baby now coming to the process of proper feeding and adequate really how do you know that the baby's feeding properly now once the baby is feeding and the baby gets enough milk the babies cheeks will be full and not drawn in

like if you remember what happens as when you feed from a glass of water with a straw when it's almost empty your cheeks going and when it when you're getting induced what happens is the multi example so when the baby's feeling well add the milk is coming in the cheeks will be full next is when the baby's

sucking properly and properly sucking it will be like sac the baby gets enough make it holds in the mouth and then swallows then takes a pause breaths and then continues then again the cycle continues suck swallow pause and every time the baby pauses if you start shaking the baby thinking that the baby has slept off it

causes difficulty for the baby next is painfull feeding like whenever as a totally whenever there's a problem and whether the nipple crack our breast engorgement shows that there's no proper feeding happening now next coming as a adequate feeling so i at home check it and simply raise the baby should be passing around six to

eight times urine in every day that isn't really for us and every two to three hours maybe supposed to pass your work that is a sign that the baby is getting adequate milk motion has got nothing to do with adequate fields in between sheets the babies are supposed to sleep for two to three hours and then the babies are supposed to regain their

birth weight by the end of 10 to 14 days they lose up to 10 percentage of their birth weight and then they started raining and then by 10 to 14 days there in the berkeley so these three that science that are satisfied it means that the babies anyway different all those feeling of the best not are getting full

it's not getting empty feeling as baby stomach looked empty all these things are subjective evidence baby three other objective evidence as to the baby's getting adequate breastfeeding cycles to the baby when the baby's exclusive this baby first food most easily benefits of breastfeeding baby the baby get babies who are breastfed have better

neurological outcomes has got lesser infection rate to increase breast milk how to breastfeed quite fast will have better emotional security and the longer the babies breast feed diabetes hypertension coronary artery disease obesity and energy for the it helps in your uterine contraction control of bleeding it helps and

regaining lactation consultant lot of calories breastfeeding positions from the next pregnancy immediately because of high prolactin levels it lowers the risk of breast and ovarian cancer and it decreases bottle feeding and time and lactation very comfortable tips properly breastfeeding the baby so the golden

rules organic baby food babies are exclusively best at least six months of age and then the baby feeding at least till two years of age along with breast milk techniques of baby food attachment breastfeeding care of

mother is feeding her baby

mother is feeding her baby
mother is feeding her baby

lights on start sound camera clap action ​​'om namo venkateshaya', 'om gam ganapathaye namah'. everything begins with the almighty's blessings. for this initiative, thanking everyone is as equal as thanking god. since my first movie the people who supported me

and telugu audience across the globe my gratitude to you. krr classroom like a film school will not have any theory, or syllabus. all the experience that i have gained in my 100 movies journey will be converted to different lessons through krr classroom topic number onewhat are the qualities required to become a director? topic number 2how did i become a director?

topic number 1 the qualities to become a director! during exams, we study to get 1st rank, with great determination. similarly in any game, we play with great determination to win. it is the same with direction no matter how many failures and insults you face you must have the determination to become a director along with determination, a director needs 100% creativity. creativity means,

for example, you have a scene where a mother has to feed her crying child and while feeding she is happy. without ending the scene there while the mother is feeding her baby the camera can pan to a calf running to her mother to drink milk. show the happiness in the eyes of both the mothers and show how the calf and baby become energetic after drinking milk. inter-cut both these scenes and enhance the scene. this is what creativity is. as an assistant director when you are sitting in a story discussion, when the writer is narrating the story,

you should carefully listen to what he says and simultaneously visualize the scenes. for instance, you have to prepare the story board in the mind like this. some assistant directors might not get the chance to be a part of the story discussion. at that time, the next day when you get the scene to your hand, on one side there will be action and on the there properties needed will be mentioned, as an assistant director while you do the work you have to read the scene in detail. the next day when the director is directing the scene

which shot he is shooting how, you must observe that seriously. suppose, if the director has taken the scene in 32 shots, after going home recall all the shots in your mind, edit them in your mind and organize it in a manner that you should be able to see the total scene. here is the real matter,

the scene that was shot in the morning you should analyse how would you shoot it. after the director has edited the scene, you should compare the scene you edited in your mind. definitely if the scene by the director is good, you will understand the mistake you did in the scene you imagined. when you are working as an assistant director, you need to be friendly with every technician. particularly, the camera man, you should observe him you should know the what lens are they using for different shots you must ask and learn.

in a similar way, when you are with a writer, learn how they form a story, how they conceive. if you know all these, when the director transforms the story it is easy to understand how he improvises what the writer has written. which is a very important. in the same way you need to travel along with the music director, editor, art director and all the technicians. when you become a director, you will have a command on all the departments.

as an assistant director when you are on sets, you have to be active and energetic. when producers, artists, technicians and everyone appreciate your work and bless you the confidence level in you will increase. in this manner, whoever has a zeal for learning will definitely be a good director. whatever i have shared with you now are my experiences in my career but this not a rule just a guideline. now, how did i become a director? my father was a popular director.

when i was in school i used to watch lot of his movies. when i was in college, we used to live in madras. we used to watch a lot of tamil movies. particularly, mr. k.s.gopalakrishnan mr. sridhar mr. bheem singh movies in telugu adurthi subba rao, pratuagatma

madhusudhan rao movies. after watching the late night shows while my friends are busy discussing other topics i would be thinking only about the movie particularly if there were shots or scenes taken in variety i would wonder if i ever become a director, how can i adopt this scene, how can i take this shot. from then on i wanted to become a director i was determined to make movies better than them. i graduated from my college with b.a in hand,

and i joined my father as an assistant director. by then my father had made many wonderful films but those were too classy and some ideas were too advanced and ahead of those times due to which the films couldn't get commercial success. the name of our banner was prakash productions and the emblem was a light house. the light house's bulb which lighted many lives was burnt. from that moment the will to become a director grew even more and wanted

to make my father proud by lighting the light house once again. i have learnt a lot as an assistant director near my father instead of being like a director's son, by mingling with all the technicians on the set, i became aware about all the departments. the specialty in my father is, he used to write every scene in detail. so, i used to read and visualise scenes the whole night which was supposed to be shot the next day and go to the sets. after going on the sets, my father used to direct the scene in a different way.

i used to get really angry. at that time i didn't have the common sense to understand that he was the director and i shouldn't get angry. after the scene was shot and edited and after seeing the scene, the scene would be fantastic. then i used to understand that what i imagined was wrong and what my father directed was correct. this was proved many times. i have learnt a lot from him this way.

when i was working on late dr. d. ramanaidu's movie, seeing my command on music, story discussions and editing he wanted to give me the opportunity as a director but due to few reasons that could not happen. after that, my friends ceaser, k l kumar and gopala krishna gave me the opportunity to direct my first movie "babu". in my opinion learning about film making is endless. even today whenever i watch great films,i feel like a student.

for fun, here's a small quiz for you! in the beginning of the episode, on one side i placed a nandi award and on the other side i placed money along with an apple. why did i place them, i will reveal it to you in the beginning of the next episode. till then you keep guessing and comment below. whatever you guessed and whatever i thought we will discuss it in the next episode..

mother feeding

mother feeding
mother feeding

nap kitty cat purr pur purring sounds sound noise lullaby

sleep mind relax

mother feeding milk

mother feeding milk
mother feeding milk

we decided as the kings county breastfeedingcoalition that we wanted to give a gift to the hospital that would help them portraythat breastfeeding is normal and it's acceptable here in this community so we found a localphotographer who actually happens to be a doula, savanna morgret. we could just tellthat when we explained what we wanted to do she captured the idea and the pictures areamazing and so that's why we decided to do the historical getting women to breastfeed anywhere, any place, and that they could do it discreetly and it could be just a veryacceptable thing to do in this community. so this project to me was all about supportingthe moms in our community and really letting them know that it's ok to nurse your babyin public and it's normal and you can feel

comfortable doing that. as a breastfeeding mother myself, especiallyin the very beginning it was really really kind of hard for me because i felt like ineeded to be covered and i needed to go to the car when we were out at restaurants andso to be able to show moms that, hey you don't have to do that you can nurse your baby atthe civic center or thursday night market or downtown lemoore. it's ok to do that. it was really really important to me. these pictures really show moms just in everydaylife and it brings it into something that moms feel like it's more attainable, i think,seeing these pictures and babies from such a small age to, you know, toddler, being breastfedi think it makes it more of an attainable,

real idea that they can actually do this,so they can succeed and real moms do it every day. i loved it and it's really exciting to just,to just know that it's a part of such a really big thing and to know that it's going to beinspiring to other mothers and that it hopefully will encourage especially these new mothers,especially first time mothers that breastfeeding is possible, it's easy, it's exciting andit's best for your baby.

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