women who breastfeed

women who breastfeed

when it comes to feeding a newborn, you'veprobably heard that "the breast is best", right? well, did you also know that breastfeedingcan be used as birth control? that's right! simply breastfeeding your baby regularly andexclusively can help you prevent another pregnancy for six months. how does it work? well, if you breastfeed exclusively--thatmeans no formula or other baby foods--the hormones in your body will naturally changeto prevent ovulation, the release of an egg. no egg, no pregnancy.

this all happens naturally, without a prescriptionor any medication! breastfeeding is safe, simple, and convenient. there are no negative side effects, there's nothing to buy! there are a lot of great health and nutritionbenefits for your baby and for you. breastfeeding is incredibly effective asbirth control--so effective that for every 100 women who breastfeed continuously forthe first six months after birth only one or two of them will get pregnant. keep in mind that breastfeeding does not prevent sexually transmitted infections. use condoms if you're concerned about stds.

you should also know that breastfeeding canbe relied on as birth control for only six months after delivery. if you're interested in learning more aboutbreastfeeding as birth control, check out the info on plannedparenthood.org.


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