mother breastfeeding child

mother breastfeeding child

a canadian woman is on the naughty list for breastfeeding her son while sitting on santa claus' lap. look at poor old santa claus from the look on his face, he has not seen a naked breast in quite a long time. what is going on in the north pole, mrs. claus? you have got to give santa some action before he goes out on his road trip santa has got to get the poison out

before he leaves early christmas morning otherwise, something like the sight of a naked breast will distract him from doing his job which is delivering presents to children on christmas morning. so, you have got to step up, mrs. claus! take care of santa claus before he leaves. anyway, the woman's name is rebecca dunbar and she was waiting in a line to see santa a long, long line, as many of you know and her young son decided he was hungry.

"forget santa!" the little boy said "i want to eat!" so she pulled her breast out and began to feed him. problem is, right about that time, it was their turn to see santa claus. "screw it!" she says, and sits on santa's lap has the photographer take the picture and that is their christmas picture with santa this year. many people on the internet are outraged!

and offended! i think it is silly. does not bother me. i think it is funny. what do you think? comment below! we will discuss it and have some fun with it. ok. lord spoda out!


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