mother breast milk

mother breast milk

- can you guess what i'm doing right now? yes, we are doing the one and only thing we share on this video. we are breastfeeding. this is kind of how we do this in the van, or in the car or whatever. (kids chatting) i just kind of have tolean over the carseat with my boob, my "gigorgous" boob.

and this is what it looks like, hi. see, he's a happy littleboy now, he's content. no more crying, ooh, don't kick my, whoopsie, sorry guys hekeeps pushing on my arm. there we go, bumpy video isn't it, huh? sorry. sorry guy, uh oh. that's how it gets done. tickle, tickle.

beep, beep, uh-oh. yep, i guess, ooh aviv, sweetheart. i was going to say that that'sprobably like the one benefit of having big boobies,that you can just lean over the carseat and feed your baby. and straight two boobies are awesome. some of you have mentionedthat it looks painful and stuff like that. well, it doesn't look, imean it's not painful at all

when he tugs on my nipple and stuff. i don't know why. i don't know, maybe it's just my skin is just kind of like that. i don't know, but itdidn't even cross my mind until some of you had mentioned. but yeah, no it doesn't hurtat all when he stretches my nipple out half a mile. so, (laughing), cutie pie,he's enjoying himself.

hello there (making beeping sounds). hello there, hello there cani bother you while you eat? can i bother you? okay, this is uncomfortableholding the camera. bad angles everywhere, so anyways. we're driving now. i'm gonna unlatch him,and i'm gonna sit down and go. bye.


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