breast feeders

breast feeders

it is time for your baby to go onto "solids".when it comes to baby food, the term "solids" is used somewhat euphemistically, for theaverage baby, the foods are not solid at all, they're mush. pureed chicken with carrots,pureed guava & yoghurt or pureed prunes. you can do it yourself, with your state ofthe art liquidizer (hard work) or you can buy it ready made off the shelf. the aim ofthe game, is to feed your toothless wonder, mushed up food on a spoon.spooning it in -- ensures your little one grows up big and strong.b-i-g, maybe too big. join us for this episode of better body chemistrytv, as we explore the link between loaded spoons and childhood obesity.better body chemistry tv is brought to you

by dr sandya scientist turned gremlin buster, helping you, battle sugar gremlins, heffa-lumps & otherhealth horribles , through better body chemistry. remember small things can make a big differenceto your health. a team of researchers from swansea university,quizzed 298 moms of tots, between the age of 18 and 24 months, on how they had goneabout making the big transition from milk to solids.all the moms in the study had been breast feeders, but when it came time to wean theirlittle one, some of the women had opted to use spoons full of puree, while some usedthe revolutionary practice of, baby led weaning. baby led weaning is probably not that revolutionary- it is how weaning was done before the invention

of the liquidizer and the establishment ofcommercial baby food brands. the researchers asked both groups of moms,how feeding was going and their child's current led weaning involves serving baby, chunks of food -- a piece of banana, a sliver ofcheese, a hard boiled egg . the food is big enough to grab, but small and soft enough,to slip down without a big chew. the foods are offered and baby gets to choose -- whatand how much, lots of mess, minimum fuss. so how do the two techniques, square up. allowingbaby to load up requires a certain amount of co-ordination, so baby led weaning typicallybegins around the 6 month mark. purees can be introduced a little earlier, since allbaby needs to do is open, then swallow, however

the world health organization recommend, thefeeding of "solids" begin at 6 months. so the difference in baby led weaning and standardweaning is really just process. the moms in the study, were all pretty happywith the way feeding was going, reporting no differences in how much their little oneenjoyed food. there were some fuss pots in both groups, but on the whole, the moms reportedtheir toddlers got excited in the presence of food, that is, they were food-responsive.the survey did suggest spoon fed babies, were not all that proficient at knowing when theywere full, that is, they had a poor satiety-responsiveness. and this weakness, showed..... babies scoffingdown purees, were heavier. none of them were actually overweight -- butthey were on the heavier side of normal. destined

to be fat ?during weaning, babies are learning about the "i am full" message.incoming areoplanes, i mean spoons, can cause confusion.first off..... by the time mom is talking planes, trains and automobiles -- odds arebaby has already had quite a bit to eat, but mom wants just one more spoon to go in. justto be sure, junior is really full. (no mother wants here child to go hungry).and an incoming plane is fun. and the extra attention is baby opens wide and lets the spoon land inside.unfortunately, back in the arc, the part of the brain tasked with deciding when full isfull, the fact that the plane, successfully

landed, without an explosion........suggests full is not full to capacity -- full has a built in wiggle room.and once the "full is not full to capacity" lesson is learned -- there is always roomfor nice things. eating to appetite is no longer obligatory.oh dear........... junior has been wired to overeat.with baby led weaning -- full is full, because when you've had enough, you stop stickingthe foor in your mouth, instead you...... throw is on the floor, see what happens toit when you squish it or stick it in your ear or up your noseand the food is just that....................... food. it's not a plane trying desperatelyto land in your mouth.

knowing when you're full should help cut thosecalories in. do something "revolutionary" - help your littleone's brain learn the basics, let baby lead the weaning process. if you're not ready forthe mess that will accompany "revolutionary", at least, stop loading up the spoon at thefirst sign of resistance. that one more bite could bite you, in the long create better body chemistry so that you protect your little one from the scourgeof childhood obesity. for more tips to combat obesity, visit ourwebsite,, browse our library or enrol in one of our free e-courses.the advice is simple to follow and based on real science, not friends and family with little ones. help

them avoid being part of the childhood obesitystatistics, spread the word by sharing this video and subscribe to this channel, so youcan discover the small things you can do to improve your body chemistry.thank you so much for watching and i will see you next time on better body chemistrytv.


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