breastfeeding to

breastfeeding to

in this video i’m going to talk about howyou can hold your baby while you’re nursing her. many moms prefer to use a pillow or aboppy, which is a great device that you can wrap around your middle and which can reducestrain on your upper back. i don’t tend to use these pillows, and you might not either.but whether you do or you don’t, you really need to concentrate on what position you’reputting your body in while you’re nursing, because nursing is an activity that all ofa sudden you’re doing for 8 to 10 hours a day. so you want to reduce the strain onyour arms and on your shoulders and upper back. so while you’re nursing your baby,hold the baby securely. this one happens to be asleep. hold the baby securely with onehand, place your other hand underneath the

baby’s bottom. this allows you to distributethe weight between your two sides. make sure you keep your upper back as straight as youcan. and meanwhile keep reminding yourself not to tense up. you don’t want to slouchand be hovering over like this with a tense back, because you’re going to put a lotof strain on your upper back. so try to hold yourself up as straight as possible, whilebeing relaxed. and make sure to keep the baby in an upright position so that she can eat.


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