feeding mother

feeding mother

is baby colicky or hungry? it can be a huge challenge to decipher baby'scry, especially for a new mother. here are a few tips to help new moms decipherthose cries and determine what is going on with baby. after feeding is baby happy for a time andthen begins to fuss? if so, it may be colic. if baby is searching for a nipple he or shemay simply require more to eat, however, if baby just ate and is fussing, it could easilybe colic. some babies require more sucking than otherbabies do. they may cry but not be soothed by a bottleor by nursing. in this case, baby is likely

suffering from colic. if however baby tends to calm down after beingoffered the breast or a nipple, baby is likely just hungry. we can learn a lot by baby's behavior. some babies will require a pacifier in orderto be soothed. the act of sucking can actually aid in digestionfor a baby by stimulating the salivary glands to work. timing is another way to tell. from the start of one nursing session (themoment a baby latches on and begins to suckle)

to the start of the next nursing session canbe anywhere from 45 minutes to a few hours. some babies simply need more nursing thanothers. if nothing seems to help and baby still seemsto be fussy, it is very likely that baby is take heart, colic sufferers usually find reliefbetween three and four months of age. little digestive systems are much more developedat this stage and more likely to recognize that they are hungry. tummy's have learned how to digest foods,and allow moms to decipher whether the baby is colicky or hungry.


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