breast milk mother

breast milk mother

(soft instrumental music) - hey. yup. yup. peek-a-boo this week. (giggles) look at how he's.. he's almost like pettingmy boob. it's so cute. oh my goodness. and he started pinchingmy boob like crazy. you are quite the pincher. yikes.

did you get hungry driving home from the park. oh my goodness, yes you did. aww ow mmm what's that you're doing? huhn neat guy. what's that you're doing? huhn. what's going on?

(children chattering in background) we had such a lovely time outside. aviv was such a good boy. so mellow. he ended up pooping so i ended up changing him in the car. (crying) is it almost your... (baby garbling) is it almost your nap time?

(background chattering) - [voiceover] mama, right in the bucket. - [woman] right in the bucket? i'll do that, just got to be patient. oh yeah, did you have a good meal? are you full? there you go sweetheart. i love you sweetheart. (baby gargling)

- [woman] oh my goodness. your teething necklace iscoming today in the mail. you gonna have a nice ambernecklace on you neck today. yeah. that's going to be so cool. (background mumbling) - [woman] it's a necklacethat you put on his neck. it's kind of cute butit's also good for him. well cause it's good for him.

it helps him not spit so much. it helps with teething. - [woman] more? ouch. oh my god. more? no? (sucking) - what's going on? hello there everybody? - (mumbling) in the bucket.

- [woman] you want bucket? hi joey. - joey do you want boob? no. joey does not want boob. (kissing) he loves his baby brother. oh yes. oh my gosh. oh my gosh. say bye bye.


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