breastfeeding benefits for mother

breastfeeding benefits for mother

going to allow -- the penalties for bp violating the clean air act. and now, why breast-feeding is both beneficial for mother and baby. during a recent trip to the mall, i found that a lot of women were not breast-feeding.

a new study out of harvard saying that breast milk makes your child smarter. it has the right amount of protein, fat, sugar and water and protects your baby from illness. breast-feeding gives you and your baby time to be close and

you can get to know each other and bond. you can save your family thousands of dollars because you don't have to buy formula. helping you to lose your pregnant weight and lower your chances of some types of breast and ovarian cancers.

many hospitals have lack 'tises to help you get started. after the baby is born, the nurse may try and take your baby to the insurancery. tell your doctor or nurse, that you want to breast-feed within one hour of your baby's birth. nurse your baby whenever he

wants to eat. newborn babies want to eat very often, about two hours. watch for signs of hunger, such as moving head from side-to-side, being alert. it may take time and practice for you and your baby to get it right.

some women may experience problems with breast-feeding at first, but these problems can be solved. remember, before there was formula, babies didn't just die.


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