feeding breast

feeding breast

>> dad vo: any advice on how to bottle feeda baby? >> expert vo: when bottle feeding breast milkor formula. wait until breastfeeding is going well andyour baby is at least 3 weeks old. you may need to try different nipples to findone that works for your baby. sterilize brand new bottles, nipples, andutensils before using. then clean thoroughly after each use. choose a position that keeps baby in a semi-uprightposition and supports her head. similar to breastfeeding, stroking the baby'scheek or lip can help her take the bottle and feed naturally.

to help baby avoid swallowing air, hold thebottle at an angle that lets formula fill the nipple. if you choose to formula feed, know that allformulas are not the same. burping can help your baby feel more comfortable. >> sfx: burp. >> expert vo: and it's pretty cute too. >> sign up for mygerber to learn more aboutinfant formula and how to bottle feed a baby.


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