healthy breast milk

healthy breast milk

(music)good morning everybody and welcome to the balancing act.we are so glad you tuned in, i'm julie moran.and i'm olga villaverde. today, we are learning more about the deadsea, this is really interesting,and how it's being used to help feed the hungry and the malnourished.also, we have a very special guest in the studio this morning,of the the four legged kind, i should say i am going to be bringing youa very special story of one very special, how one woman had a great idea,

she comes up with a unique way to helpingcat and dogs take their medicine,and this is not with a spoon full of sugar. (singing)oh! just a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down,and balancing act starts right now, right now.just a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down.(music) (music)(cat meows) (dog barks)this morning i'd like to share with you an amazing storyabout an amazing dog who was shot twice,

left for dead,but was given a second chance and beat the odds.take a look. (music)after having her liter of puppies, she was found in the mountains barely alive.someone shot her between the eyes and in the back.sadie was left there to die. (music)sadie was rescued and taken to the hospital. her prognosis, grim.her chances of survival, not good.(music) after one surgery,daily exercises along with swimming,

accupuncture, laser treatments, chiropractic,and much much more, sadie was practically reborn,astonishing everyone around her, sadie beat the odds.(music) this morning, sadie is with us in the studio,along with her owner joal durcydauer. and also with us this morning isbarbara cappelli from goofer. good morning ladies.thank you so much for being here. and thank you so much for sharing sadie'sstory with us. absolutely.joal let me start with you. how is she doing?it has been an incredible journey, olga.

it has just been amazing.i mean, from the day i picked her up, she has just taught me so very much.sadie just absolutely absorbs life. and she teaches other people too about acceptance.and you know what's amazing, and we have talked about this before on thephone, before you came even told me emotionally, you know, she has been through so much,and yet she's still a happy dog. she is amazingly happy,she doesn't have any remembrance. she has no remembrance whatsoeverof whatever happened to her. thank goodness.and i know it has been very challenging taking

care of her,not just the surgeries, and just everything she's gone through,but i was looking at this box you brought. those are her medicines?this is what she takes twice per day. how many pills is this?it's about twenty five per day. wow! and i don't know about you,but i mean i have a little three pound toy poodleand giving her a pill is as difficult as, my gosh, it's worse than my do you do it? well, that's the whole thing, was amazing. i mean you'd sit there, and it took so muchtime.

so, to do that was just daunting until,i found goofer. barbara, now i have got to bring you in.tell me exactly what is goofer as i hand over the box to joal.goofer is a way to medicate a pet without struggle.really? does it? it is an all natural paste that gets mixedwith the medicational supplement given to you by your vet.and once it is mixed, you can apply to the fur directly,and it can lick it off from there. or you can apply it to the hand as welland they eat it off the hand.

yes, because it is so tasty,sometimes they don't even let you apply it to the fur.they just eat it right up. ok, i have got to see this.we actually grabbed already one of sadie's pills,and you crushed it first. yes.ok, so tell how you did this. i crushed it with the back of a spoon.and you crush it really nicely. you crush it really good and the pill becomestotally powder. a little powder, ok.a powder like this. perfect, and then?you take goofer and usually you use

two to three times the size of the pill.that makes sense. and you put it on top,and then you just mix it. it camouflages the taste of the know, some pills taste worse than others, but it does camouflage the taste of the pill.and now, they cannot separate it anymore because before they could eat the wrapper.many of the viewers know the animal will eat the wrapperand leave the pill behind.\ alright, and lets see if sadie, i know she'stired because she flew in early this morning,but lets see if she has it and tell me how you would give it to her,in your hand?

i would just offer it to her like this,as it is now. so she is smelling it now and,yes, right. there she goes.joal, she's eating it? it's that easy.oh my gosh. is that easy you guys?now barbara let me also ask you. we gave it to a it appropriate for cats also? absolutely.and you can just use this. any carnivorous could do you know ferrets. and other people might have as pets.

but it's really easy.and no risk to the animal. no risk to the animal.your nana could eat it. your what?your nana. (laugh).i like that. i got to tell you.for you, i can only imagine that this was a absolute life saver. because i mean can only imagine if sadie takes this many pills per anybody out there.any viewer that has to give their dog or cat

one or two pills a's going to be absolutely a godsend to them. i love it.and actually you got a major "oh la la" honor. i want you to tell my viewers.because you went to the oscars, and. we went to the oscars.tell me what happened. well we were selected to be one of the giftsthis year at the oscars. and at the golden all the celebs got a. yes.all the celebs got one. well i was not at the oscars, but i am definitelytaking one for my ruby. alright if somebody wants to follow sadie,and see how she's doing.

what can they do?they can go to her website. which is spread the word on facebook. like us on facebook.shes on pintrest, whatever. she's all over.she's great. she's all over the place.i love it. and for more information on goofer? you so much for everything. thank you.god bless you for saving her. and i hope sadie gets better, and you comeback again and let us know how she's doing.

we will thank you.thank you so much joal. and if you'd like to learn more about goofer,or learn more about sadie and her recovery. log on to our website, it's very that's we also love hearing from your pet stories.write on our facebook wall. that's facebook/thebalancingactfans(music). we've been speaking alot about dead sea morangahere on the balancing act. it's a nutrient rich supplement grown in thedense soil of the dead sea region of the world. and today is part 4 of our series on thisunique tree. and back with me now is kurt landries, ceoof dead sea moranga.

and i want to thank you for coming back.thank you julie. and i'm excited to share with you today inthis closing program, because i know your people are going to want to hear about deadsea moranga. absolutely.i'm fascinated by it, and i want you to start by reminding our audience why this is consideredsuch a special nutiritional supplement. well it's special to me personally becausenow i can only take two pills in the morning and two at night.versus mutliple. that's the most exciting reason. but this is why.nutritionally, dead sea moranga contains ninety

nutrients.including twelve vitamins, and minerals. forty six antioxidants.eighteen amino acids. including a high concentration of all nineessential amino acids. and this is times the vitamin c or an orange. oh my that's unbeleiveable.three times the potassium of a banana. three times the iron of spinach.four times the calcium of milk. just to name a few.just to name a few? that's off the i remember you said that some of the benefits include increased energy mental function.overall wellness.

but i wonder if there are any clinical studiesthat have been done. the current clinical studies that have beendone reguarding dead sea moranga, and moranga in general has been on hypoglycemia, asthma,and breast milk production. and breast milk to me a little more about that because your specifically talking about helping malnutritionedwomen who need that breast milk. milk production is critical because it hasbeen proven with moranga that a women at conception. anytime during that time within three months.can take moranga, and will actually start producing healthy breast did you get interested in this. tell me there must be some personal wife and i were in togo africa.

we were invited to speak in a stadium.a soccer stadium there. and thirty thousand people were going to bethere. and we got to share our faith.and we're so focused and so excited, and as we were driving to this event.we stopped at a traffic light, and i looked out the window, and there was a little girl.a little beautiful little girl with just a diaper on.and she was sitting under a bench, and a man was eating a sandwhich.and bread crumbs were falling off his sandwhich, and she has trained herself to stick her toungeout. and be able to pick up the crumbs off thesandy soil without getting in the dirt.

and right then julie, that's when i said.i have to do something. and i prayed and i feel like god gave me deadsea moranga. wow.i'm telling you that story just. whew.inspires. you know and it ties in to something you weretelling me last time you were here about moranga being grown to help people in africa livehealthier lives. right?yes. we have partnered with trees for the future.and they plant trees for over the last twenty years.ninety two million trees.

in twenty countries.and dead sea moranga has partnered with them. so that for every bottle sold, we plant onetree. so one bottle, one tree.that is great, buy one bottle get a tree free. (laugh).that's right and they've also partnered with us on our togo project.kurt how are your organizations working together on this.the way our organizations are working together is.we have partnered with the humaitarian aid in isreal.which is providing for our safe houses. and also providing for our children at riskthat are there.

so all the three organizations are workingtogether. well you know i just want to wish you andyour partners, and your associates the best. and to go, and all the humanitarian programsyour involved in. this is such a great product and i just.i'm so glad we had you on our show it's been so enlightening.thank you. alright.thanks so much. and if you want to know more log on to and you can also follow us facebook as well.(music). we're talking gun safety this morning andi'm with champion target shooter kippy latham

of springfield armory.and we are here to answer viewer questions we received on facebook.welcome back. thank you it's great to be here.i'm glad your here because let me tell you i've learned so much and great questions fromtwo viewers. i picked them out.listen to this one. i love this one.amy from detroit, and thank you amy for writing us.i've heard that firing a warning shot is a bad idea.well in my opinion firing a warning shot is irresponsible and dangerous.if you think back to our basic firearm safety

rules of them was to know your target. it's surroundings, whats behind it.and if your not certain of your target, don't shoot.i even remember that one. that's reason enough.ok another question from shannon in portland. thank you shannon.which firearm is the best for protection. protecting yourself i should say from intrudersin your home. that's what i want to know.well purhasing a firearm is very personal and thought inducing decision. and the twofirearms we have here. both of them are unloaded.are from springfield armory.

i prefer the xdm has a grip safety, a trigger safety, a loaded chamber indicator.those are all safety features that i personally am looking for in a that works for me and my environment, and that's what a woman needs to make that decisionon. based on what she needs.what she wants. some women may want a revolver, a semi-automatic.they may want a shotgun or a rifle for protection. and each has it's pros and you just have to figure out what works for you.but what i love is when you check out what springfield armory has to offer.there's just so much.

there is a variety that you should be ableto find one to suit your needs. thank you so much.thank you. we'll see you again for another tip.excellent. thank you for writing and giving us all thosequestions. we want some more questions from you becausewe love to answer them. so if you have any related questions to targetshooting. let us know visit us on facebook.and the balancing act fans. or you can always go to our website, whichis (music).(music).

thanks so much for spending part of your morningwith us. we really hope you learned a little somethingtoday. remember we have a lot of information on ourwebsite. and it's so easy to get we're also on facebook and twitter.we are so social. we want you to look us up. until next time i want you to remember.and i'll try to remember it to. find your balance.ok everybody have a great day. (music).


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