how to breastfeed baby

how to breastfeed baby

all parents want their baby to be as healthy as possible. if you are among choosing to breast-feed, one way to ensure that is sticking to an atrocious diet. lewis first tells newmont slid to keep in mind -- tells new moms what to keep in

mind. moms who are breast-feeding are asking what they should be eating and drinking to ensure their baby is healthy. breast-feeding mothers need an extra 300-500 calories every day. they should add in fruits and

vegetables, perhaps whole grains, proteins and dairy products which are a great source of calcium. breast-feeding moms should also include extra foods that include iron as well as omega-3 fatty acids because these have been

shown to pass through in breast milk. monster also check with their health care -- moms should also check with their health care providers. vitamin d or b12. they also ask if they should

not eat something for free or at my cause a food allergy and their baby. if there is a history of food allergies, they should avoid that particular food but otherwise, moms should eat what

they want to eat. withholding food may predispose that child later on. moms also ask about alcohol. alcohol actually decreases breast milk flow so it is important that you try not to drink alcohol when you are

breast-feeding. if you want that social drink once or twice a week, breast-feed or baby first then wait a couple hours for the alcohol to him a tab lies before you feed again. the same thing with caffeine.

breast-feed baby, have backup of coffee, wait a couple hours and breast-feed again. hopefully, tips like this will be easy to digest when it comes to knowing a little more about food and beverages that will


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