information about breastfeeding

information about breastfeeding

[speaking] after you have your baby, i would suggest getting, "what to expect: the first and second year." those books are really helpful.they're like encyclopedias where if there's an issue - if there's something going on withyour baby and you're not sure about it, you can just look at the index, go to that page, and it will tell you everything you need to know. for instance, it was just really nice to look at a book and justkind of read about it and just know that it's common. and if there's anything else of course, that's more serious, you need to talk to your doctor; but that's a really nice book to have just to kind of make you aware of things to...things to expect like it says - what to expect. i also suggest getting this book. it's called, "heading homewith your newborn" my husband picked this up for me and it was also kind of like anencyclopedia where if there's anything

going on (even if it's something like how to bathe a child - how to bathe my newborn) just something like that - it has a lot ofinformation in it and it also has information about breastfeeding, anything you can think of dealing with your newborn - it's in here. and the good thing about this book is, its by theamerican academy of pediatrics so you know that this information is like thebest. so again, it's called, "heading home with your newborn: from birth to reality."


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