information on breastfeeding

information on breastfeeding

♪ >> jen: whether it's fromyour mother-in-law, your best friend oryour neighbor, when you have a newbaby, you're probably getting advice fromeverybody. but according to a new study, a lot ofthose well-meaning tips on how to best care foryour baby are bad advice. the study, published inthe journal pediatrics, found that new momsget conflicting advice

from family members,the media, even their own doctors. and alot of information on breastfeeding,vaccinations and infant sleep goesagainst recommendations from the americanacademy of pediatrics. the study's authorsrecommend moms stick to sourceslike the aap, the american academy offamily physicians and the u.s. centers for diseasecontrol and prevention.

and of course, has a wealth ofinformation too.


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