mother breast feed

mother breast feed

hey everybody i'm here to talk to youabout naturaful as you can tell i have very small breasts and not sure if youcan see the gap this bra is actually very small it's a36 a and as you can tell i have lots of lots of room lots of room and my bra i do not fill out such a little cup ihave always had small breasts after having four children they have seen togotten smaller but if you can tell if i can get this bra tip right this side is much smaller than this sidei fill out the cup much better on the side i can actually cup the whole breast inmy hand this one look at all the

squishiness at the bra that's why i neednaturaful i'm hoping to go from a 36a to a full b that would be great i have notseen that size ever in my life so i'm not sure if that can be accomplishedthat i want to give it a try if you're suffering from small breasts like me iinvite you to go to and order yours today and join me on myjourney to get full breasts and and i know with me my breasts have alwayscaused me to look down on myself like this is the first video ever of mybreasts it's not something i would normally dobecause i'm very insecure about my body and my breasts mainly because as you cantell

they are non-existent like there'snothing really there i have tried massage that has not worked so i'm goingto try the massage with the naturaful and see what kind of benefits i get from thatlike i said it if i push pull up my bra and squeeze it together i have a littlebit but you can't walk around public sitting there playing with boobs so iinvite you all to go to purchase this product and try it alongwith me i'm looking forward to great results i'm a little nervous that is not goingto work but i'm pretty optimistic that it will have seen wonderful reviews onyoutube and on their website and hopefully it works for me the way itworks for them i invite you to join me

in my journey you'll have a wonderfulday


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