mothers breastfeeding their babies

mothers breastfeeding their babies

hi, i'm tini! this episode of mama o drama is truly special becausei am with my longtime friend miss...oh, i'm sorry... mrs. leya!- oh thank you very much, hello. i understand why you wouldmistakenly call me miss because we have known each other for a very long time. from our "miss" days... ...till we are now "mrs."

and have our own children. currently we can see on social media there are a lot of noise going on about mothers who breastfeed in public. mothers! what were you thinking?! beware...dangers of breastfeeding mothers today, leya and i are going to tell you why mothers who breastfeed in public are... extremely dangerous!

and should be locked up. our first point. firstpity the men the men... ...pity them. they will soon lose control. lose their emotions and be like... ...lose their minds just because of hearing the word or even when catching a glimpseof mothers breastfeeding their babies

pity the men. our second point. secondmothers should just stay at home oh oven's am i going to cook? my husband's favourite biscuits have finished. i'm coming down with a flu,i need some chicken soup. i have run out of tea. my toddler's milk. my poor baby's pillow is torn.

good thing there's online shopping. do you dig your nose in public? do you wash your hair in public? so, why breastfeed in public? mothers, just stay at home. is it really necessary for you to go out and shop for stuff like groceries and diapers? no, there is no needfor you to go out. if you need to shop, shop online.

everything is delivered to you! our next point. thirdthe world's economy will be badly affected hi ladies, hold for a moment. i can see that you have a baby. you must be breastfeeding your baby right? buy this milk powder. this milk has... ...dha, daa, gaa... and many more. anyways, your breast milkhas none of these... ...and it doesn't taste nice. how did you know all these huh? don't you think we arepromoting the fact that a mother's breast milk is better? it's not. we cannot ever give that kind of perception. the world's economy will be badly affected!

who would then purchase... ...cow's milk, goat's milk... ...lizard's milk, kangaroo's milk... ...crocodile's milk... at the supermarket? those whom work for all these milk shops and factories will lose their income. fourthbreastfeeding under a ponchois much more amazing

dear mothers... if you need to go outfor work or to shop and all the suddenyour baby needs feeding... ...wear a poncho. actually, breastfeeding undera poncho is much more... ...amazing and has a better feel. why don't we give it a try,and have our meals under it. please, go ahead and try. make sure everything is properly covered.

respiration is secondary. oh my gosh, this is so delicious. yes, eating like this is the best. what are you having there?give me some. our final point. aren't you ashamed ofbreastfeeding in public? of course, when we wantto breastfeed our baby we need to take off all our clothes, isn't it? there aren't any nursing clothes at the stores.

so we have to starttaking off all our clothes right? oh no, we cannot do things like that. we would like to emphasize it once again do lock yourself updear breastfeeding mothers before you are locked up. and do lock up these breastfeeding mothers before they make you... ...lose your sanity. to all mothers out there whomare breastfeeding their babies,

we understand the challengesthat you have to go through. but for those who aregoing through certain problems, the important thing is, regardless ofwhat kind of milk you are using, your child is healthy... ...and loved well.


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