mum breastfeeding

mum breastfeeding

>>narrator: when it comes to breastfeeding,erin meyers says the third time's a charm. her youngest baby feeds easily, but that wasn'tthe case with her first. >>erin meyers: she was very difficult. wewere having a really hard time with her. she wouldn't latch on right, my milk was not comingin right. >>narrator: desperate for help, erin turnedto a friend who turned her on to a breastfeeding secret. taking a supplement called fenugreek,something dr. john schaffir says he's learned more about from his patients than he everdid from his professors. >>dr. john schaffir: sometimes these sortsof anecdotal pieces of advice are because it has been shown to help in various womenover years and years and then just nobody

ever really bothered to study it. >>narrator: so that's what schaffir and hiscolleagues at the ohio state university wexner medical center did. not to see if it actuallyworks, but where the advice came from. surprisingly, despite any formal medical recommendations,breastfeeding specialists in 29 different states relayed the same advice. for milk production,women recommend to each other taking fenugreek, milk thistle, or eating oatmeal. and for pain,applying cabbage leaves or tea bags. advice that goes back decades and spread througha much more traditional social network. >>dr. schaffir: it's because it's sort ofa universal experience that all women go through and where they talk to each other and everyonefeels like they need to give some advice to

their friends or sisters or daughters. soit's a field that, so to speak, is fertile with these kinds of remedies. >>narrator: since they are all-natural remedies,schaffir says he's fine with his patients using them, and even though he can't vouchfor them scientifically, there are plenty of women who do anecdotally. at ohio state'swexner medical center, this is clark powell reporting.


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