things you need to know about breastfeeding

things you need to know about breastfeeding

overwhelmed by all the choices and advice from friends and relatives about your new baby? here is some advice for new parents from the u-s consumer product safety commission about nursery product safety. one: use a crib thatmeets current federal standards. two: use a play yard made after february, 2013. three: keep your crib free of blankets,comforters, and pillows - bare is best! four: place baby to sleep on his or her back- five: place cribs away from cord hazards. six: use cordless window blinds. seven: use the restraintstraps on your high chair.

eight: anchor furniture toprevent toppling hazards. nine: use the safety straps in your stroller. ten: connect with cpsc to stay informed. cpsc stands for safety, especially thesafety of your baby and your family.


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