breastfeeding for baby

breastfeeding for baby

♪ ♪ ♪ we know that breastfeeding has countless benefits for baby and mother, and now there's even more evidence that breast is best. infants who are breastfed are known to have fewer infections,

but a new study shows that the protection they gain may last much longer researchers followed six year olds who were breastfed as infants these children were far

less likely to have ear, sinus or throat infections later in childhood. researchers also found that the longer they were breastfed during that first year the lower their odds were of getting those infections as six year

olds. it appears that breast milk can help stimulate an infant's developing immune system in a lasting way. not all women are able to breastfeed. although the american academy

of pediatrics recommends exclusive breastfeeding for a baby's first six months followed by continued breastfeeding until a year, with the addition of food. for more tips to make mom's life easier



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