mother child milk

mother child milk

(calming music) - hi, sunshine! hi! what are you doing, little one? huh!? what did you see!? oh my goodness. (giggling) he just grabs the camera.. strange... do you want boo?

yeah? boo? boo-ba? aviv. boo-ba. what is it? (loud cooing) mmm. don't you fall. aw... oh my baby...

how are you doing, little one? (sighing) mama's gonna rest... while i'm nursing you. i'm getting dinner ready at the moment, and also, i have, gabriel's schooling right now, and this little guy wasso sweet, and so patient, waiting for me.

and, finally got his mommy and his boo! oh, baby... i couldn't get a letdown whilepumping because he nursed right before that, so ihad no letdown, and look, there's my letdown again. when am i gonna pump? my boobs are so full... hey! don't let go! my hair is tickling me.

hey there, little guy. so restless. you're like... you're like on the go, go, go, go, go! i love you, baby. mm-mm-mm-mm-mm. what a cutie pie. mama's little baby. you are one lucky little boy to have

boo all to yourself. with plenty of milk to spare. whatcha doing? it's so funny, but everytime i sit down to nurse, i'm, well.. almost every time, i almost, like... i want to nap. like right now, i want to nap so bad, my eyes are like...

wow, tearing up. tearing up, because theyfeel so tired and dry. woo! you've got the camera again. hey. is that yummy? mmm, yummy camera string. delicious. better than milk.

better than mama's milk. (cooing) ooh, yeah. yeah. hello. i love you. - mama, can i have more cheese? - gabriel has cheese,go get it from gabriel. (crying)

- [child] what's that?oh, it's the camera. - [mama] he's chewing on a camera string. wow! - [child] can i cut a cheese? - [mama] try, just keep your fingers away. - [child] okay. mom! - [mama] seriously, gabriel.. (children yelling)

hello there, you little... beady eyes. mmm... alright. we're gonna get backto work in the kitchen. (kissy noises) oh my goodness. oh my goodness. (kisses) so kissable, oh my goodness. oh my gosh.

i love you, i love you. (kids screeching in distance) (soothing happy electronic music)


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