breastfeeding association

breastfeeding association

authorities are warning about the potential of terror attacks at major sports sports events and shopping centers. the warning is through august. it's supposed to encourage breastfeeding. critics say it crosses the line.

so why are so many moms calling the new initiative unfriendly? lemor abrams is in the newsroom tonight, and getting answers. the initiative was developed by unicef to help get more moms to breastfeed. tonight, new moms, a lot of moms, and even doctors say

hospitals should just go back to their own ways. reporter: just had her baby and is elated, but is still trying to get the hang of this nursing thing. he gets really mad. reporter: noah jeter is her third child, yet this is the

first time she has tried i always knew breast feeding was the best thing to do for your baby, but i guess it was just bottle feeding was way easier. reporter: a baby friendly facility. nurses don't offer formula, or

even pacifiers. we like to encourage moms, feed your baby on demand, when baby's hungry. reporter: tara does all of her duties in the room, instead of nursing. baby never leaves mom's side. some moms want their sleep,

so yes, it can be hard. so no more looking at baby through the glass. the nursery is now used as a storage for empty cribs. i'm very disappointed in that. reporter: dr. amy supports breastfeeding, but says the

initiative has gone too far. it's not friendly to babies, and it's not friendly to mothers. reporter: she shook up the war posing in time magazine. she writes the name baby friendly is deeply wounding to women who can't, or don't want

to breastfeeding. it's kind of difficult to have a program that intends to coerce 100% of women into


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