breastfeeding best

breastfeeding best

breastfeeding positions good positioning in breastfeeding is important in order for your baby to get a good, deep latch. learning to breastfeed your baby can take time and practice. there are many different positions for breastfeeding and you should choose one that allows you to be relaxed and comfortable. whichever position you choose to use

it is important to remember that your back and arms are well-supported. cross cradle position: the cross cradle position works well if you are first learning to breastfeed or have a small baby. you will see your baby's head, shoulders and hips in a straight line your baby in a nice straight line with her chest and body towards you we call this tummy to mommy .

your baby's bum tucked in tight to your body you will feel comfortable and relaxed remember to start when your baby is calm laid back breastfeeding you may find laid back breastfeeding helpful if you are learning to breastfeed your baby does not breastfeed well or if you have sore nipples always remember to start when your baby is calm you will see

your baby's head bobbing up and down as he looks for your breast your baby moving towards your breast to find your nipple your baby latching onto your breast by himself you will feel comfortable and relaxed like you're leaning back a little remember to support your baby's head and bring his bum close to your body to help support his arms and shoulders

football hold if you are having trouble latching your baby you can try the football position. this position also works well if you have sore or flat nipples have had a cesarean birth or have large breasts you will see your baby's nose to your nipple your baby tucked in close to your side

remember to use your arm underneath your baby's body to support his head, neck and chest here are a few tips to help you and your baby breastfeed your baby's whole body needs to be supported and tucked in tight your body while avoiding holding the back of his head your baby in a nice straight line with his chest and body turned toward you

your baby's head is slightly tilted back which helps him get a good, deep latch your baby is able to swallow and breathe easily and remember you want to be as comfortable and relaxed as you can be to keep breastfeeding a positive experience


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