breastfeeding tips and advice

breastfeeding tips and advice

what advice do you have to give to a newmom? try it. stick with it. definitely not to give up. you have to believe that you can do's hard at first but it's so worth it with every one of my children it was a learning curve for both of us.especially in the beginning there's a lot of ups and downs. i went throughlittle bits of pain in the beginning. we didn't latch properly. the struggle was real in the beginning. sometimes it takes a village to get breast feeding off to the right start. notletting people talk you out of breastfeeding. instead of just completelystopping breastfeeding and switching to formula keep going even if you have adrop. being really firm in knowing

that the reasons why you want tobreastfeed. to seek the right kind of help. and to be careful about who you ask advice from. to seek advice early if you are struggling cause i know we haven't had it easy atall. it was difficult and i wasn't preparedfor how difficult it was you know it's so natural why isn't it coming naturallywhy is this so hard. and to be your own advocate. and we got through those earlyweeks and then it got easy and then it got so easy that i couldn't stop talkingabout how great it was right. i love just the time that i spend with my kids this is my second baby. and i breastfed both of them. i remember someone telling me

like this too shall pass and that alwayswent through my mind especially at 2 a.m. feedings. the joy of being able to cuddleyour son or daughter whenever you want to feed them to know that you can feedthem. and then i got in touch with the health nurse and she gave me the advice told me what to do and we worked through it and i'm so glad i didn't give up. it'sjust that special bond for you and your child. the rewards definitely outweighany struggles that you have in the beginning even if it can be difficult to thinkthat at the time. you really have to be patient and persistent to get throughthe difficulties and get to the good stuff because it really is worth it


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