new breastfeeding

new breastfeeding

it's one of the best things i've ever done. i mean it seems intuitive but it's what the babies naturally meant to eat. it's so great to breastfeed too. i love doing it. there are so many benefits to breastfeeding. many of those benefits - benefit you as a mom as well as the baby. for babies, research shows that there's a decreasedrisk of ear infections, gi issues including crohn's disease - childhood diabetes. babies have a decreased rate of eczema -

and a decreased risk of getting asthma as they grow. a decreased risk ofbeing obese as they grow as well. and also helps protect again allergiesand it keeps his immune system stronger there's a decresed risk of just regular childhood illnesses. and it's a wonderful way to bond with your baby. plus it's always there - it's always the righttemperature and its free. financially the idea buying something that your body produces in a better way just didn't make any sense to me. for moms, the benefits are a decreased risk of

breast cancers, ovarian cancers and evenosteoporosis as you get older. plus, they burn up to 500 calories a dayjust breastfeeding so you get back down to your pre-pregnancy state a lot faster. they say you burn morecalories when you breastfeed i could definitely tell that that hasdefinitely helped me a lot. it helps your uterus contract down to it'spre-pregnant state … so you loose that rounded belly sooner than later. i remember feeling … intense contractions in the beginning ofbreastfeeding … because it helps everything go back to the way it was.

probably the harder he latched on forsome reason i could feel my muscles contracting a little bitmore so that definitely is true. it's amazing - it's just amazing how breastmilk does all these things. it's what'snatural and that's what your body is supposed to do. all of these are really good reasons to breastfeedyour baby right from the start.


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