breastfeeding association

breastfeeding association
breastfeeding association

authorities are warning about the potential of terror attacks at major sports sports events and shopping centers. the warning is through august. it's supposed to encourage breastfeeding. critics say it crosses the line.

so why are so many moms calling the new initiative unfriendly? lemor abrams is in the newsroom tonight, and getting answers. the initiative was developed by unicef to help get more moms to breastfeed. tonight, new moms, a lot of moms, and even doctors say

hospitals should just go back to their own ways. reporter: just had her baby and is elated, but is still trying to get the hang of this nursing thing. he gets really mad. reporter: noah jeter is her third child, yet this is the

first time she has tried i always knew breast feeding was the best thing to do for your baby, but i guess it was just bottle feeding was way easier. reporter: a baby friendly facility. nurses don't offer formula, or

even pacifiers. we like to encourage moms, feed your baby on demand, when baby's hungry. reporter: tara does all of her duties in the room, instead of nursing. baby never leaves mom's side. some moms want their sleep,

so yes, it can be hard. so no more looking at baby through the glass. the nursery is now used as a storage for empty cribs. i'm very disappointed in that. reporter: dr. amy supports breastfeeding, but says the

initiative has gone too far. it's not friendly to babies, and it's not friendly to mothers. reporter: she shook up the war posing in time magazine. she writes the name baby friendly is deeply wounding to women who can't, or don't want

to breastfeeding. it's kind of difficult to have a program that intends to coerce 100% of women into

breastfeeding and weaning

breastfeeding and weaning
breastfeeding and weaning

hello my name is andrea orta mashburn andtoday i am going to discuss how to stop breastfeeding. stopping breastfeeding is not only a difficulttime for mommy but it is also a difficult time for your infant. remember that you needto make this transition as easy as possible and one of the first pieces of advice thati can give you is that you need to start by eliminating just one feeding a day. what thismeans is that instead of breastfeeding at a particular moment in time when you normallyfeed your child you need to replace it with a healthy option. you can choose at this timeto use the bottle or perhaps even a sippy cup instead of doing the breastfeeding. byslowly eliminating a feeding a day this will allow your child to adjust slowly to the processand will also allow your body to physically

slow down producing milk as well. it is importantto know that when you feed your child that you keep it still in comfortable places. ifyou typically feed them in their room during a breastfeeding make sure that you do thesame when you do an alternative feeding. by allowing them to still stay in the same comfortablesetting you will also be allowing them to stay into the no breastfeeding. lastly makesure that you are comfortable. if you are uncomfortable with eliminating a feeding takeit slowly. maybe eliminating one feeding a day is too much. maybe you would like to eliminateone feeding every two days. make sure that you are comfortable with the transitioningbecause infant children will pick up on any tension or anxiety that you may have as beinga mother. also make sure that you are continuing

to stay comfortable with your own breast feeding.touch your breasts and make sure that they are continuing to pump enough nutrients whenyou are dealing in breastfeeding instead of an alternative feeding for your child. byallowing your body to slowly stop producing milk you are also allowing for your own bodyto stop this transition. so remember, be patient, be safe and always put your baby's needs first.

breastfeeding and lactation

breastfeeding and lactation
breastfeeding and lactation

beaumont hospital, troy is a large hospitalsetting that treats patients in a small hospital fashion. we have a very comfortable environmenthere that provides very high quality care that also is centered around the patient needs.we have many services here that you won�t find at other hospitals of this size. to me it�s the best of both worlds, thefeeling of a small community hospital, yet the state of the art experience and highlyspecialized staff that are able to care for our high risk pregnancies and more complicatedsituations. we have 24 hour in-house obstetricians andalso 24 hour in-house pediatricians for any emergencies that may arise. i ended up havingcontractions early, about thirty-six weeks

and so my doctor wanted me to come into thehospital and be evaluated. they evaluated me and they weren�t comfortable sendingme home and eventually made the determination that i needed to have a c-section. in thecase that the infant would need care in the neonatal intensive care setting, we have stateof the art neonatal intensive care unit, a level three facility where we can care forbabies down for twenty-eight weeks gestation. we have state-certified nicu here that isable to take care of babies from twenty eight weeks and beyond and we have in house pediatriciansthat are always there to care for babies that could require any kind of additional careor attention. the nicu has been amazing, nobody wants their child to have to go to the nicuand when i found out my son was going to have

to go there, of course your nerves are shot,it�s just, you know, emotionally draining, just the thought, but the experience has beenamazing. should an emergency arise during the course of the labor, or an unexpectedevent, we have neonatologist, high-risk baby specialists in the building on hand to respond. we also offer many amenities here to makethe experience as comfortable as possible for mom and her families. in addition we gotprivate labor and delivery suites in our family birth center and private postpartum roomson our mother baby unit. our rooms have a host of amenities for our patients comfortand those of their family members, we have in room refrigerators, flat screen tvs withdvrs, our rooms all have spacious bathrooms,

some have jacuzzi tubs. it is a very relaxing,healing environment. we have labor and delivery unit on our obstetrical floor that has highlytrained nurses, specializing in labor and delivery only and they are there to see anexpected mom and her baby through the birthing process. after several hours after the birthof her baby, then they are transferred to our mother/ baby unit, where they have nursesthat are specialized in providing postpartum care for mom and baby. our care is really centered around the patient�sneeds. we have an expert nursing staff, that�s trained to provide a comfortable experiencefor our patients and provide compassionate, one on one, individualized care.

they are just amazing. i cannot say enoughgood things about them. they have taken great care of my son and they really help me outwhen i have any questions, or if i am not so sure about something. they don�t makeme feel awkward for asking, they are just there to help and make you comfortable fortaking care of your child. when our families go home we provide additional support. wehave a state of the art, parenting program that connects with all of our first time parentsand anyone else with a need. we have support groups and classes, we have got numerous servicesthat we offer including a post-natal care program, a breastfeeding and lactation supportservice and we have an award winning parenting program. even though i have two other children,things change all the time, and they are up

to date on what you need to do and what issafe right now. beaumont troy offers a very comfortable environment for expected parentsthat focus on patient care and also provides very high quality obstetrical care for momsand their babies. they take great care of the babies first and foremost and then, ofcourse, the moms too. our patient-centered care is first and foremost.we work very hard to individualize their care, to provide them with the experience that theyare hoping for, the best possible experience that they could expect.



hi welcome to adg fit. today i'm going to be accepting a challengeand it is to do a handstand into a bridgeimportant for five minutes as you can see i am getting started now and i have to do slow movementsthroughout the video to help keep my energy up so i wont have to stop or anything like that i got really bored and i wanted togive up but i knew i needed to

keep going and so i just tried to reachfor things but it may seem like i'm going really slowbecause when you are upside down you do have blood rushing to your head and you want to do small move ments and very slowly move because if youdon't then that just wastes your energy and that takes a lot more out of you and it just makes it harder for you tocontinue an once again i kept getting bored so if you movearound while you do this it will help loosen up your ankles yourlegs

your arms your wrists everything and it does almost kinda like help your back out so your not inone position but you still have to move very slowly to not waste your energy if you want tomake it to your goal yeah! finally hit 1 minute only 30 seconds to go i got this 10, 9, 8, 7,

6, 5, 4, 3 2, 1, 0 and im done i am so happy that i finally made it so im just getting down out of my bridge

breast nurse

breast nurse
breast nurse

(plucky music) - my name is patricia o'brien and i am the breast nurse navigator here at middlesex hospital cancer center. i've been a nurse for many years. i'm oncology certified and i'm also a certified breast care nurse. nurse navigation is a rolethat was born out of a need. today, many patients,cancer patients especially,

have their care providedon an out-patient basis. years ago, patients wereadmitted to the hospital, many times the nightbefore, for their surgery, and all their needs weremet by the hospital staff. they had their doctors, their nurses, the dietitian, the social worker, everyone within the hospital system. today, many patients have their surgery and their other proceduresdone as an outpatient,

which poses a lot of new challenges. when a woman is firstdiagnosed with breast cancer, it's a time of great uncertainty and fear of the unknown. one of the first things i do is set up some consult appointments. we need to get the surgeon on board, the radiation oncologist, the oncologist. we need to mobilize the team we have here

at the middlesex hospital cancer center to begin the patient's care. the other thing we do isreview the surgical options that have been presented to the patient. breast patients oftentimes are given more than one option for care. this can be veryconfusing and overwhelming for the patient, asthey're afraid to choose the incorrect option.

it's my job to reviewthe pros and cons of each and what the implications are of each one. the middlesex hospital cancer center is large enough that we are able to provide the patientswith all of the advanced technology that is available today, but we're small enoughthat our physician group and our cancer care providers have open lines of communication.

because middlesex hospital cancer center was one of the leaders in establishing a nurse navigation program, we feel it has benefitedour patients in many ways. we have 100% referral rate to our breast nurse navigator program from our surgeons and otherphysicians in the area, which means every patientdiagnosed here at middlesex is referred to the breastcare management program.

breast milk mother

breast milk mother
breast milk mother

(soft instrumental music) - hey. yup. yup. peek-a-boo this week. (giggles) look at how he's.. he's almost like pettingmy boob. it's so cute. oh my goodness. and he started pinchingmy boob like crazy. you are quite the pincher. yikes.

did you get hungry driving home from the park. oh my goodness, yes you did. aww ow mmm what's that you're doing? huhn neat guy. what's that you're doing? huhn. what's going on?

(children chattering in background) we had such a lovely time outside. aviv was such a good boy. so mellow. he ended up pooping so i ended up changing him in the car. (crying) is it almost your... (baby garbling) is it almost your nap time?

(background chattering) - [voiceover] mama, right in the bucket. - [woman] right in the bucket? i'll do that, just got to be patient. oh yeah, did you have a good meal? are you full? there you go sweetheart. i love you sweetheart. (baby gargling)

- [woman] oh my goodness. your teething necklace iscoming today in the mail. you gonna have a nice ambernecklace on you neck today. yeah. that's going to be so cool. (background mumbling) - [woman] it's a necklacethat you put on his neck. it's kind of cute butit's also good for him. well cause it's good for him.

it helps him not spit so much. it helps with teething. - [woman] more? ouch. oh my god. more? no? (sucking) - what's going on? hello there everybody? - (mumbling) in the bucket.

- [woman] you want bucket? hi joey. - joey do you want boob? no. joey does not want boob. (kissing) he loves his baby brother. oh yes. oh my gosh. oh my gosh. say bye bye.

breast milk mom

breast milk mom
breast milk mom

hi i'm my name is tammy and this is myfirst video i'm going to be doing for naturaful i decided i really want to makethese videos every month to go ahead and track my progress by using naturafulbecause i really feel like this product works my initial thought at why i wanted abreast enlargement was basically i'm a mom and like many moms your body reallyisn't what it was before you had children after you have children i was abreastfeeding mom so with that being said.. my breasts justreally want what they used to be and that was really taking a toll on myconfidence and just how i felt about

myself in general i found naturaful bydoing very extensive research online and there were so many different productsout there and i tried so many products and just wasted so much money that i was pretty skeptical to find a product that worked because i was pretty much at mywits end with trying products but i done my research on naturaful and i sawjust how many people seemed really happy and we're really getting results fromusing this product so i thought hey you know what why not me why don't i give it a shotand see if it's gonna work for me basically the only question i had withnatural was when am i going to see

results and am i going to see results mythoughts starting out again i was a little skeptical because of just howmuch money i had put into all of these other products and just didn't see anyresults and i just didn't want to be throwing my money away anymore sobasically that was just my whole thought process but i thought you know what i'veseen videos about naturaful users i've seen before and after photos so ithought okay i might as well give it a shot so after using it for three months now ihave grown about an inch and a half in my breast size and my confidence isthrough the roof i feel so much better about myself andi'm going to continue to use this product

daily until i get to just where i'm ultimately happy with the way mybreasts look so i'll be sure to post a monthly update for you guys so you canreally see the difference in my growth and just how how it feels how i feelabout myself and this amazing product thanks for listening

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